Dedication. Perseverance. Strength. Hard Work. Team Work.
Once again, Twisters is beyond proud to announce that our Level 9’s and 10’s had a record-setting weekend at the Region 8 Championships. The hard work and dedication of our athletes and coaching staff shined through as we qualified *9 Level 9’s* to Eastern’s and *12 Level 10’s* to Nationals… the most in Twisters history!
A huge congratulations goes out to…
Level 9 Eastern Qualifiers
Carolyn Jackson
Sydney Crouch
Emily Rivera
Sophia Lomasky
Nina Ballou
Jayla Booker
Nicole Rengifo
Allison Kaempher
Hannah Kang
Level 10 National Qualifiers
Hanna Castillo
Ariana Delgado
Haylen Zambrowski
Samara Buchanan
Amanda Pagac
Baleigh Garcia
Mia Baltrun
Dani Bommarito
Alex Greenwald
Daniella Castillo
Emma Gayle
Abby Johnston
Another congratulations goes out to our coaching staff, led by Head Coach Christy Ramirez and Team Coordinator Gary Anderson, who work tirelessly day in and day out, dedicating their time, passion, expertise and emotional support to our incredible athletes in order to make this possible.
Coach Christy said it best,
“It’s hard to put into words how grateful I am for the Village of people it has taken to get American Twisters where it is today. This program started from the ground up 11 years ago, and boy has it been a roller coaster. First of all, thank you to each and every coach that takes part in the daily coaching of every girl. From working on their flexibility, to their daily conditioning, to the endless spotting on bars and the detail work on their skills and dance on every event. Your daily hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and you are very much appreciated. Thank you to our auxiliary staff: Sports Psychologist, Dietician, Orthopedic Surgeon, and our amazing team of therapists. Thank you to our amazing management. Your support of our huge team is incredible and I am so honored to have been part of this organization for the last 11 years. We wouldn’t be who we are without you ALL!!
But most of all, thank you to all the athletes and parents that believe in our program and trust in our staff/organization to help you achieve your goals. You are ALL winners in my book and your hard work day in and day out is the reason we have achieved this together as a team!
12 Level 10 National Qualifiers
9 Level 9 Eastern National Qualifiers”
“Teamwork makes the dream work”
Twisters looks forward to cheering on our Level 9’s and 10’s at Nationals. We are so proud of you, ladies!